Thursday, May 8, 2008

What's that smell?...Dog Poop

Last night Sean was having a dream that there was a problem with all of our toilets throughout the house! He was dreaming that they were all overflowing and he was going through the house trying to figure out how to fix clogged toilets. UNFORTUNATELY - his dream was a little too real. It didn't have anything to do with anyone in our family - EXCEPT for POWDER!!!!!!! When Sean woke up in the middle of the night, he found a wonderful, special, present right by our heads in the middle of the bed, right at the top by our pillows!!! Yes, you guessed it - Powder had pooped right there in the middle of us during the night. The smell is what brought on the dream about toilets. Ahhh.....yes the joys of owning a dog. Sometimes I wonder what is going through their little (very, very little...... right now) minds. can I tell them that I have to go outside? can I show them that I am really mad at them? can I show them that I love them and appreciate them for everything they do for me?

Hmmmm......I think I will leave them a little present.

Well, as a family, we want to thank Powder for her gracious gift to us and for the laundry that I must now do. We love Powder (we really do - just not as much right now . I'm a little ticked!)


Erin said...

That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time!!! Gross!!! I'm not available to watch Powder any more.

Rob and Kelli said...

Yikes...that is kind of nasty. Powder needs to go in time out. :) Classic dreaming on Sean's part. Thanks for giving me another reason not to own a dog...yet.

WIKKY said...

you'll have to read chelle's blog. she just had a gross dog experience too! i think yours is just a bit worse though. way to go sean to have a wonderful dream in spite of the dog "beep" all over his bed! yuck, yuck. I keep visualizing powder in poop position in the middle of your sleeping heads. What???

Jewels said...

Totally Yucky!! I must say that I think you truly do love her as she has made your blog twice now and I have yet to see Madison or Mason make a blogging appearance!! I have a lot of respect and admiration for pet owners, we have two fish for pets and cleaning their fish tank once a week is more then enough poop for me!