Well, as you can tell I haven't really posted anything new on my blog for a really long time. Part of the problem is that things have been REALLY crazy. The girls are now out of school (since May 22) and just before we were busy with projects, end of year recitals (dance & piano), field trips and award ceremonies. Sean and I have also been busy planning our Stake Pioneer Trek (we leave in 2 days!!). So, I decided once Sean was leaving for Europe it was the perfect time for me and the kids to get away. We decided that we would go see our AWESOME friends the STREITS!!!! So, I packed up the kids and off we drove to Victor, ID (one of the most BEAUTIFUL places on the earth- I'm really not just saying that!!). The kids had a GREAT time with Cambrie, Tatum, and Jake. Jason is trying to convert my girls to the ways of the outdoors (which is perfectly fine with me). He took them fishing for rainbow trout (which was awesome - they got a trout almost every time they cast their line) and he took them shooting on the 4-wheeler. However, it didn't matter how much he tried to get the girls to shoot a grouse they would only shoot the trees. Madison & Lyndsey said, it wasn't very nice to shoot a bird. Better luck next time. We also went for some REALLY, REALLY good shakes. They were so good you had to use a special large straw to drink them. The best one was the huckleberry shake - Wow YUMMY!!!!! Most of the time the kids were off doing their own thing and Shelley and I had a great time just hanging out. If anyone gets the chance - you should go up and see the other side of Jackson Hole. Go up and see Victor, ID!! (By the way, my pictures don't even do it any justice!!!)

On the drive up we got so excited about driving through the moutains, past the snake river , and in Swan Valley. Madison kept telling me to slow down because I was going too fast for the scenery. We stopped on the side of the road and got out to enjoy the scenery. As we were looking at the river we saw a beaver in the river and 2 deer in a nearby meadow! All at the same time!!

There were dandilions all throughout the mountainside in Victor. Here in my lawn I don't really care fo dandilions (unless Mason is picking them for me). However, when there is a field of dandilions it is a beautiful sight. One afternoon the girls & Mason picked a TON of dandilions in nearby field and it didn't even make any type of dent in how many dandilions were left.

Tatum and Mason had a grand old time in the creek by the Streits home. The two were "fishing" with their sticks and hopping back and forth and tromping through the creek.

Mason looks a little sly!!! He knew he might get in a little trouble if he got wet!

WHAT!!! No pictures of Shelley's house? Looks like you guys had a great time and it does look absolutely beautiful there. Glad your drive was safe and without incident. Have a great time on Trek! Tell Craig and Whit I am around if they need any help or want a break.
That looks like such a fun getaway. You guys are lucky to have such great friends living there!
Looks like you had a blast!! The picture of all four kids almost looks fake-it is so pretty! I wish my friend from Idaho lived in as pretty of a place, she lives by Boise and when we go visit her we get to see a beautiful desert!
Way to brave a vacation solo. Looks like you guys had so much fun. I bet it felt great to get away. Everytime I see pictures of the cousins, my heart sinks a little for Jacob & James. We can't wait to vacation with you in August!!!
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